Zwift World Hack Mac

I currently run Zwift on my fairly standard HP Laptop with AMD Radeon R5 graphics card. It runs ok (ish) but certainly could be a lot smoother, however I'm planning on upgrading the mancave and thought about investing in a dedicated machine to run Zwift properly. Integration into Zwift was a matter of emulating one of the smart bikes already supported by the program. This required some hacking on the Cycling Power Service, a Bluetooth service that Zwift. If you use the world hack, Watopia will be switched with the world you select in your prefs.xml file. OTHER NOTABLE CHANGES. Increased tolerance of Bluetooth packet dropouts on running footpads. Screenshots now can optionally include the on-screen HUD on PC and Mac (iOS/AppleTV already had this feature). This is now possible with an easy to use tool on both macOS macOS The operating system on the Mac computers from Apple and Windows Windows The Windows operating system from Microsoft.! The screenshot reveals that not all features from zwift-preferences are in this new ZwiftPref app, but the plan is to add more and more in coming versions. Zwift Hack 100% without Roor and Jailbreak. Get Levels and much more for free with no ads. Hacked Zwift on Android and iOS - tips, wiki. Saddle your iron horses and rush forward in a digital copy of the real world and make.

UPDATE: This was the original announcement of ZwiftPref. The most recent information can be found over at the main page for the app.

You want to make use the hidden setting with which YOU get to decide where you will be zwifting today?

You want easy access to set trainer effect (also called resistance level) before you launch Zwift?

This is now possible with an easy to use tool on both macOSmacOSThe operating system on the Mac computers from Apple and WindowsWindowsThe Windows operating system from Microsoft.!

The screenshot reveals that not all features from zwift-preferences are in this new ZwiftPref app, but the plan is to add more and more in coming versions.

How to use

Zwift World Hack Mac

After installation, launch the ZwiftPref app.

prefs.xml is loaded when the app starts and when you press the ‘Reload’ button.

Change settings as you like and press ‘Save’ to have the changes written to prefs.xml.

If you close/quit the app without pressing ‘Save’ nothing is changed in prefs.xml

Zwift map hack



ZwiftPref (macOS) (29332 downloads)

md5 checksum: 427a4b94f38cc756fd594d65eb2dd2ac

Security settings

You will have to adjust some security settings. See the section ‘Security settings’ in the post ZwiftMap for macOS is here. It is the same for ZwiftPref.

Zwift map hack

Zwift Mac Download


So far I recommend zwift-preferences instead of ZwiftPref for Windows because it has more features and is much smaller in size. But anyway, here is ZwiftPref for Windows:

Zwift World Hack Macro

ZwiftPref (Windows) (11158 downloads)

md5 checksum: 90ac582e7e16638d76f551fdbf7c059e


[CC0 1.0 (Public Domain)]

This license applies only to the original parts of the work. The original licenses of any included packages apply without modification.



0.1.0 2017-01-26

  • All platforms: First release


Built on

  • [electron](
  • [node.js](
  • [photon](
  • [opn](

Built with

  • [electron-packager](
  • [electron-installer-dmg](
  • [inno-setup]

Related posts

New London routesNo more waiting… New routes and an updated mapWorld 5 is here…ZwiftPref is updated with New York and run course selection

Cycling outdoors can be difficult during winter months and it can also be difficult to get the time to get out and sometimes you may not have anyone to ride with which also plays a very important part in creating the right environment for a good ride.

Zwift aims to bridge this gap to enable you to have a stimulating ride indoors. While this is aimed to make it accessible to cycle with others, it isn’t for everyone you need a bicycle, a trainer to connect it to and a smartphone, tablet or computer. Once you have all this and then buy the Zwift app and kit you can race against other riders from all over the world inside a Virtual Reality game.

The game is based on your pedal power (watt output) and this is then used to ride you around several courses across the world including London and other famous courses. If you own a smart trainer which your bike is connected to you will feel when you hit a climb and the workout will get a lot harder as you hit an ascent.

You can also select specific training sessions via the workouts mode, so instead of racing other people’s avatars, you will be racing yourself around. The interaction with other riders is great. You can choose to ride near other riders when you get started and you can also use Zwift’s Facebook page to see what group rides and races are available.

In addition to these great features, you’re also able to set up general settings such as deciding what your avatar looks like, what they will wear and so on. Remember that this will work best if you’re using one of the smart trainers, this will enable it to give you the best experience of hills, accelerations and drafting behind other riders. Zwift has a list of the best smart trainers available on their page. If you do not have smart trainer you will need a speed/cadence sensor from Zwift's approved list (so no cheating!). The idea is that Zwift will calibrate your power output and your race experience will all be based around this!

Once you’re fully set up you can ask to join any active rides or just start on your own. Then you just start riding. You will get audio cues as you go along but in general, it is up to you to put the effort in! Then you can chase sprint or king of the mountain jerseys for your particular race. So versus riding on your own on a cold Sunday morning, this is definitely a bonus.


A good app for compensating for riding outside and adding competition if you often ride alone.